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Shawnelle Eliasen

Finding gratitude in small moments.

Gratitude in Small Places

A mother celebrates small moments, the joy of sitting with her young sons in the family driveway, drawing with chalk. “When gratitude swells,” she says, “my worries shrink.”

If you're waking up to a stress-filled day, praise God first thing!

Stop Stress with Praise

If you’re waking up to a stress-filled day, try thinking about these lines from Shawnelle Eliasen: Lord, thank you for this morning. Thank you for the things You’ll do today. Thank you for going with me–wherever I go. You are kind, compassionate, and in control.

God's love for us is deep, pure, unconditional.

God’s Pure Love

I love my children with all that I have. All that I am. But I have a human spirit. It’s tainted and flawed and is limited by human capacity. But God’s love? It’s pure. Unblemished. Infinite.

God's gift of grace is always enough.

God’s Gift of Grace

His gift of grace is one that I receive with a wide-open spirit. It’s a gift I receive with the humility of need. And the amount of grace? It’s been measured. And it’s sufficient. It’s more-than-enough.

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