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Terry Squires

An angry teen girl. Photo: 123RF(r).

Teens, Get a Grip on Aggression

You need to do some inner work to get to the root of your anger, and you may not like what you find. You’ll uncover hidden places of pain but working your way to healing is worth it. You’ll be less tempted to harm another girl.

A woman's foot being washed. Photo from 123RF(r).

Washing My Mother’s Feet

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus willingly washed the feet of His friends because He loved them. He wants us to know that in order to serve Him, we must serve each other.

A pile of clothes on the floor. Photo: 123RF(r)

Peace in the Disaster Zone

Living with your teen’s messy room is the worst. But here’s how to figure out where to drawn the line and enjoy the remaining years that she has at home.

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