Guideposts Comments Policy: Rules of Conduct

Here are some guidelines that will help to ensure that Guideposts’ website and social media platforms will continue to be welcoming environments for all our readers and followers.

A woman types a comment on her laptop computer.

Guideposts welcomes comments on our site and on all our social media platforms. We offer content that encourages, inspires, and uplifts, and seeks to help people from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual potential. We encourage all our readers to comment and share our content. 

We expect all comments to be polite and civil.  To maintain a welcoming and safe forum, we cannot permit behavior that disrupts or harms the community.

With that in mind, the following serves as examples of comments and images that will be deleted.  The following is not meant to be all inclusive: 

  1. Spam or comments that ask for money directly or via fundraising campaigns or comments that promote other products and services
  2. Comments or concepts that are vulgar, profane, racist, unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, offensive or embarrassing to any other person, entity or group will not be tolerated.
  3. Harassing comments that attack a person individually or targets groups of individuals or a particular religion

Repeat offenders will be banned.

These rules of conduct apply to comments posted on the website and on all social media platforms, including those for various Guidepost products and brands.

Also, comments on the website are submitted through the Disqus platform and are screened prior to publication.

This comment policy is subject to change at any time, with or without notice.  Guideposts, in its sole discretion, maintains the right to delete comments. Guideposts will not respond to inquiries regarding deleted comments or blocked users.

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Thank you for reading this policy. We appreciate all of our Guideposts readers and visitors to our website and we look forward to hearing from you.

Additional Information:

Guideposts is not a political organization; therefore political comments are not appropriate. 

By posting anything on Guideposts-sponsored social media forums, websites or blogs, you are agreeing to give Guideposts the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, publish, publicly display, edit, modify, delete, translate, create derivative works from, and otherwise use your submission for any purpose, in any form, and on any media. (You also agree that you will not post material that infringes on third party rights, including intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights.)

Reminders for Internet Safety

Do not post personal information, including phone numbers, email or addresses in comments on social media platforms or the website.

If you have a customer service inquiry, please call our customer service number at 1-800-431-2344 or communicate in a private message on Facebook. Remember, if you post your personal contact information in a comment, all other readers can see it.

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Thank you for your attention to this policy. We look forward to your comments!

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