A Near-Miss Is a Moment When Jesus Kept You Safe

Sometimes I wonder how many times Jesus has gotten me out of trouble, or even saved me from catastrophe, without my being aware of it.


He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. Psalm 121:3 (HCS)

After I finished loading the groceries in my car, I drove out of the parking lot to turn left on the highway. The red light stopped me, but at least it gave me a chance to notice the beautiful sunshine. Staring at the light made the wait seem longer.

helpfinder Bible

I began to mentally rehearse all that I hoped to accomplish that afternoon. As soon as the light changed, I moved my foot from the brake to the accelerator. But for some reason, I seemed to be going in slow motion. I felt a sense of oddness as I realized that I wasn’t pulling out onto the road at my usual speed, yet I wasn’t sure why.

At the same time, I wondered if the driver behind me was annoyed at my snail pace. Those thoughts were interrupted when a large SUV zoomed down the highway right in my path, ignoring the red light for oncoming traffic.

It wasn’t until I got home that it finally sank in what would have happened to me if I had pulled out onto the highway at a normal speed in my smaller car, instead of pulling forward in slow motion. Sometimes I wonder how many times Jesus has gotten me out of trouble, or even saved me from catastrophe, without my being aware of it.

As I go about my daily routine, I’m so thankful to have Him as my Protector. He may choose to openly display His actions or He may quietly work behind the scenes. Either way, I have the comfort of knowing that Jesus is looking out for me. And when things in my life seem to be moving slowly, I need to remember that it might be because He’s keeping me safe.

Faith Step: Before you go to sleep tonight, review your day. Can you discern moments when Jesus kept you safe, even when you weren’t aware of it at the time? Thank Him for being your Protector.

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