Daily Devotion: Jesus Is with You

Christian writer Camy Tang shares the Bible verse that helped her through a difficult time at work.

Devotional writer Camy Tang

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (TNIV)

There have not been many times in my life where I was in fear, but there was a time in my life when I was depressed. I was working for a biology company but I didn’t get along well with my supervisor, and I couldn’t understand why. I tried everything I could think of, and I know she did as well, but we simply didn’t connect. There was a great deal of miscommunication.

It made for a very tense work environment for me. I began to make mistakes in my work. It was hard for me to focus. I hated being at work. I fought nausea and dread when I had to drive in to work each morning, feeling so sick that my hands would shake. My relief at the end of each workday was immense.

I tried to switch supervisors but was told I couldn’t. I considered quitting, but my husband was unemployed at the time and we couldn’t afford for me to be out of a job for several months. I felt trapped and despairing.

The above verse from Isaiah kept me going. I prayed for Jesus to improve my circumstances, and even though my prayers weren’t answered right away, the verse reminded me that Jesus was right here with me, that I was not alone. Things would be hard for a time, but I was not by myself, Jesus was close beside me, to comfort me and help me.

It took a year, but things eventually improved. Through all the difficulties at work, I clung to this verse and the promise that Jesus was holding me.

Faith step: Are you going through a difficult time? Write this verse down somewhere you will see it throughout the day to remind yourself that Jesus is with you.

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