Jesus Is in Control

Start the new year with this excerpt from Mornings with Jesus and rest in the comfort that God and His angels will guide you through life’s storms.

Camy Tang, Mornings with Jesus Contributing Writer

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11 (TNIV)

A few months ago, my friend was involved in a very bad car crash. A drunk driver T-boned her minivan, narrowly missing injuring her children in the backseats. My friend ended up with a broken foot and a bone fragment in her knee.

After surgery and rehab, she was ready to drive again. I asked her if she was afraid to drive, and she said she was a little nervous, but “if it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go.” She wasn’t going to worry about getting into another car crash because she knew it wasn’t in her control.

In his work Ethandune and Other Poems, James Williams writes, “Man is immortal till his work is done.” We can trust that our lives are in God’s hands, in God’s plans. He won’t take us until He determines it’s time. He doesn’t go by what we think we still need to do or regrets on what we haven’t yet done.

Jesus said, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” He is ultimately in control of your life. But that thought shouldn’t make us apprehensive. Instead, we trust that Jesus knows what He’s doing. If we continue to obey Him and live each day to the fullest, we’ll know that He’ll be pleased with the way we numbered our days.

Faith step: Do you worry about your life, your husband’s life, your children’s lives? It’s natural to want to protect them, but we also need to remember that Jesus is the ultimate protector. Surrender your worry to Jesus, daily if you have to, and instead focus your energy on living each day as if it’s your last.

Download your FREE ebook, Daily Devotionals: 7 Days of Bible Devotions to Strengthen Your Faith.

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