Jesus Knows Me, This I Love

A new perspective on a best-loved hymn is a wonderful reminder of God’s unconditonal love.

Devotional writer, Gwen Ford Faulkenberry

O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. Psalm 139:1–2 (NAS)

Jesus Knows Me This I Love. We were driving around looking for a famous BBQ place when I saw this on a sign in front of the First Christian Church of Hot Springs, Arkansas.

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At first I thought I read it wrong. Doing a double take, I realized it was a play on the words of the old children’s hymn.

Jesus loves me, this I know were some of the first words I learned. My mother sang it while she rocked me as a baby.

This was the air I breathed as I grew up in my home and church. They are simple words and proved formative during those simpler times of life. I’m forever grateful for their meaning and how it was engrained in me.

Especially now, when things are not quite as simple. It’s a blessing to have that foundation–to navigate life as a grown-up knowing Jesus loves you. In fact, it’s essential.

But, as the sign suggested, it’s also wonderful to be known and understood. Psalm 139 says He is intimately acquainted with all of my ways. He sees my failures; He understands my limitations. He is deeply aware of everything I am–the good, the bad, the ugly. He knows. And yet, He loves me. What a Savior!

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

Faith step: Sing “Jesus Loves Me.” Now thank Him that He knows all about you–and loves you anyway.

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