Jesus Offers You Living Water

Sense the peace and power of Jesus in this excerpt from Mornings with Jesus 2019.

Refine your soul; sense the peace and power of Jesus.

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37–38 (NIV)

I love being near water. Whether I’m at the coast, a creek, or a lakeside, it settles me. But my favorite place is along the banks of the river running through my town. The Willamette is wide, with beautiful old trees and countless birds calling it home.

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As I watch this river, I sense Jesus’s peace and power while the massive flow moves past with barely a ripple. Picking up stones to toss in, I feel my transformation as He smooths away my rough edges. When I spot fish struggling upstream, I understand the challenges they face. Jesus teaches me to push forward, to never give up.

Yesterday evening, I walked the bank. The heat of the day was gone, replaced by a coolness hinting at autumn’s glory. A gentle breeze carried the welcome scents of dust and falling leaves. As I rounded a bend, sunset lit the water’s surface with a soft white glow, resembling molten silver. The image was emblazoned in my mind, depicting the way my soul is being refined.

But the picture I hold close is of the living water that flows within me. Like a stone in that river, I’m following the course He’s set for me through my obedience, rejoicing within the freedom of His boundaries. I trust His guidance around every bend, secure in the knowledge He knows the way. I’m willing and ready to guide others I meet along the curves of my life, leading them to Jesus and praying they never need thirst again.

Faith Step: Visit a body of water near you. Listen and watch as Jesus speaks to you in the stillness of a lake, the rush of crashing waves, or the babbling of a brook. Offer a prayer of thanks.

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