Share the Good News

Devotional writer, Tricia Goyer, shares her faith with students who have never heard of Jesus.

Devotional writer, Tricia Goyer of Mornings with Jesus

“Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, ‘Father?’ ‘Yes, my son?’ Abraham replied. ‘The fire and wood are here,’ Isaac said, ‘but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’ Abraham answered, ‘God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.  And the two of them went on together.” Genesis 22:6–8 (NIV)

Growing up in America, it’s uncommon to come across people who have never heard about Jesus. That isn’t the case with international students.  I learned this when I was asked to speak at a weekend retreat for foreign exchange students. When I asked if there were any who’d never heard about Jesus Christ and his birth, life and death, most of the Asian students raised their hands. My heart started pounding. How can I share the good news in fifteen minutes with someone who’s never heard?

I met them where they were. I spoke of the various religions—including ones common in Asia—and talked with them about what people must “do” to make their god happy. The list was long. Then I shared about God the Father, who loved us so much that He provided. He did the “doing” part in Jesus Christ.

Sin must be reconciled. In the Old Testament God demanded the death of a lamb or a goat. In the New Testament Jesus Christ took all our iniquity upon Himself once and for all.

Unlike other religions that require followers to strive toward salvation through works, I’m thankful that my God provides. He provided for Abraham and He provided for me and you. As I ended my time with the exchange students, I could see tenderness on their faces. Many thanked me for sharing my faith and beliefs. I was thankful, too, that God had provided me with the message they needed to hear. Who knows how the truth of God will continue to grow in their hearts? I can’t wait to find out in eternity!

Faith step: Think of someone in your life who might have never heard the truth about Jesus Christ. Pray for a way to share God’s truth whether it’s through a book, a video or your testimony.

Download your FREE ebook, Daily Devotionals: 7 Days of Bible Devotions to Strengthen Your Faith.

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