The Angel of Humility

In this excerpt from Daily Guideposts 2013, God’s angel teaches a cautionary lesson on the dangers of pride.

Balaam and the angel, painting from Gustav Jaeger, 1836.

The angel of the Lord asked [Balaam], “Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me.” Numbers 22:32

Balaam was barreling toward a lucrative opportunity when his donkey balked. An angel stood in the road to give a clear reminder that Balaam should speak only what God told him to in the upcoming encounter.

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But why did Balaam take it out on his donkey? Verse 29 reveals the crux of Balaam’s response to an obstacle: “You have made a fool of me!” Pride. It didn’t look good for the sought-after oracle to be seen in a mundane struggle with a donkey that wouldn’t move.

I’ll be honest: There are times God stands in my path, and I don’t see Him. All I see is that things are going wrong and I’m looking like an idiot and it makes me grumpy.

I once directed an arts ministry, and after several years, major difficulties arose: conflicting goals, dwindling resources, obstacles as frustrating and inexplicable as Balaam’s balking donkey. I stubbornly pushed ahead, trying to force success, until I became so exhausted I stopped to listen. God made it clear that it was time for me to serve Him in new ways. When pride snarls around my heart, my path becomes a reckless one. I’m so glad God stands in the way, confronts my motives and prepares me before allowing me to continue.

Lord, next time I face an obstacle, help me leap off the donkey, fall to my knees and listen to Your words. And help me never, ever, beat the donkey You are using to get my attention.

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