The Crockpot of Faith

Glorious treasures are formed from the humble bits and pieces of your life.

Crockpot image. Shutterstock: John T Takai

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19–21 (NIV)

I love my crockpot. In the morning, I throw ingredients into it and go about my day.

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By suppertime when I’m too tired to think about preparing a meal, the food is ready. Even lesser quality meats turn tender after simmering all day.

Yesterday I tossed in some stew meat and herbs, chopped carrots, onions, potato, and celery, and covered everything with beef broth. Humble ingredients, but they combined to create a satisfying stew for a cold winter evening.

When Jesus talks about storing up treasures in heaven, I think of my crockpot. The preparation comes long before the enjoyment. We are serving Him today, looking forward to the eventual feast. What are the ingredients we’re adding to the pot?

Perhaps the quiet words of understanding and encouragement that we offered a friend yesterday. Or the financial gift we made to another’s ministry. Maybe the song of praise we lifted to Jesus alone in the car as we drove across town. Or the effort it took to hold back an unkind word. A patient correction given to a child. A gentle hug. All the demonstrations of love to Jesus and others become part of the treasures stored up in heaven.

As the ingredients blend and simmer, Jesus stirs, adjusts, and adds His own components. I’m so excited for that time at the final banquet, where we’ll discover what treasure was created from the humble bits and pieces of our lives.

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Faith Step: Cook something today, and as you add in each ingredient, ask Jesus to show you various ways to add treasure to your heavenly storehouse.

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