The Jesus Meal Plan

At your next meal, savor the morsel above the mouthful, the flavor over the volume, and ask if what you’ve put on the plate before you is worthy of His blessing.

Jesus Meal Plan

[He] richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17 (NASB)

I’m one of many who have made a conscious decision to adopt the Jesus Meal Plan. Its actual name may be something different, but from my perspective, it means taking no more than my body needs, savoring each morsel as a gift from Him, listening to signals He built into my systems to inform my body when I’ve had enough, and building most meals with foods that came from the ground, trees, and bushes with minimum human distortion.

The primary element of my Jesus Meal Plan is Jesus. For years, I ate without involving Him in decision-making. I asked Him to bless what I was eating. But I didn’t ask if what I prepared was worthy of His blessing.

It impresses me that whatever was on His plate—little or much— He thanked His Father for it. At the feeding of the five thousand, plus women and children, Jesus didn’t wait to thank God after the five small loaves and two sardines became enough to satisfy the crowd. He blessed the meal when it was still too little in everyone’s eyes but His. He knew that the crowd’s satisfaction ultimately would come from the miracle, not the portion size.

The Bible tells us we’ve been given all things “richly to enjoy.” I once assumed that meant He provides great volumes of food to enjoy. But “rich” isn’t one potato chip after another until the bag is gone.

Rich may be closer to the tasting spoon of delicacies prepared by a world-renowned chef. Rich for its flavors and satisfaction, not its volume.Ultimately, only Jesus completely satisfies.

Faith Step: At your next meal, savor the morsel above the mouthful, the flavor over the volume, and ask if what you’ve put on the plate before you is worthy of His blessing. I will too.

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