What Does God Look Like?

Jesus is the “express image” of God. Everything we are able to know of Him shows us something of God’s character.

Stained glass of Jesus comforting a child

“God…has in these last days spoken to us by His Son… being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.” Hebrews 1:1–3

The other day I was walking with my three-year-old, Adelaide, when she looked up in the sky and said, “Mommy! I see God!”

I looked, and all I could see was the sky—a beautiful shade of blue, like a silk curtain stretched across the heavens—but the sky nonetheless. I admitted to my daughter that all I could see was sky.

“But the heavens do declare the glory of the Lord,” I assured her.

“You can’t see Him, can you, Mommy?”


We walked a little farther, she displaying obvious pity for my lack of vision. “What does God look like, Adelaide?”

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She didn’t miss a beat. “Jesus.”

I’m not sure what was going on with my three-year-old that day. What I am sure of, however, is that what Adelaide said is biblically correct. Jesus is the “express image” of God. Everything we are able to know of Him shows us something of God’s character.

When Jesus walks on water, we see God’s power. When He heals the sick, we see God’s compassion. When we see Jesus with children, we see God’s tenderness. And when we see Jesus on the cross, we understand something of God’s fierce longing for a relationship with us. We see His love.

Faith Step: What is your favorite story of Jesus? What does it reveal to you about the expressed heart of God?

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