The God of Impossibilities

A devotion and faith step to help you gain a fresh perspective on a seemingly impossible situation.

God of Impossible Situation

Jesus looked at them carefully and said, “It’s impossible for human beings. But all things are possible for God.” Matthew 19:26 (The Daily Life Bible)

The God of Impossible Situations. That was the topic cropping up everywhere I turned. In lots of books. In lots of life. Gideon. David. A starving woman. A dead daughter. A man whose eyes had never seen one sunrise, not one sunset, or the faces of his parents. A hillside auditorium of thousands and no concession stand.

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A woman with a 12-year history of pain and distress, ostracized, exhausted, bankrupt, with a medical file many inches thick. No answers. Worse problems than before. Weak. Helpless. Alone. The poster child for pathetic.

Until she met Jesus. And everything changed. The Bible tells us Jesus not only healed her when she reached out for the hem of His garment, but He called her “Daughter.” What a tender term of endearment for a woman whose problem–12 years of constant hemorrhaging–makes pastors blush when they preach from the passage! Impossible situation? To anyone except the God of Impossible Situations.

Faith step: What life circumstance have you labeled “Impossible”? Write it on a piece of paper. Then take a cloth or a larger piece of paper and write the words, “The God of Impossibilities.” Lay the opaque piece of fabric over the circumstance you thought had no answers. Now what do you see?

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