A Devotion to Help You Through Life’s Challenges

Find peace in the knowledge that He has everything under control.

An open Bible

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (NIV)

I love to read—fiction, nonfiction, magazines—anything with words. My husband has caught me reading the shampoo bottle when that’s all I have handy. But there are occasions I can’t bear the level of suspense in a story, the stress of not knowing how things will turn out. My stomach muscles tighten. I can’t concentrate, and I find myself reading the same passage over and over. Then, I sneak a peek at the book’s ending. It eases my anxiety.

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Likewise, when experiencing real-life tense situations, I long to see the future, that things will be fine. Not only is my wish impossible, but it reveals a lack of faith. Challenges to my health and finances, like the conflicts found in the plotline of a good novel, are a necessary part of life. Just as a book’s characters develop through their struggles, Jesus uses suffering to build character and produce hope (Romans 5:3–4). Without opportunities to deepen my belief in Jesus, it would remain shallow.

Now, as I face battles common to everyone, I’ve found peace in the knowledge that He has everything under control. Every day of my life was written in His book even before I was born (Psalm 139:16). He knew me at my beginning, and He’s walking beside me as I face the middle. I trust He’ll carry me through to a happy ending.

And that will be the start of an even better story—eternity.

Faith Step: Next time you open a book, use the time to consider how your life would read as a novel. Is your character deepening as you face hurdles? Is Jesus the central figure in your story?

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