Whose Approval Do You Crave?

A preview from Daily Guideposts 2015 is a reminder to look to Jesus for reassurance and comfort.

Erin MacPherson

Give praise to God’s holy name! Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the Lord! Pursue the Lord and his strength; seek his face always! 1 Chronicles 16:10 (The Daily Life Bible)

I’ve never met Katie. I don’t know where she lives, who her kids are, what she believes.  But I do know that she doesn’t like me.  She disagrees with my approach to disciplining. She hates the recipes on my blog. Her theology and mine don’t match up. And she’s sure to let me know.

extraordinary women of the bible

She comments on my blog, writing things like “dumb” and “ridiculous.” She reviews my books: “incompetent” and “damaging.” She follows my Facebook page just so she can let me know when I say or do something that she doesn’t agree with.

Discouragement sets in; her words hurt my heart. I start to perform for Katie, instead of the One Who called me. I hold back from saying what I truly believe because Katie might read it and take it the wrong way. I hesitate before sharing my hopes and dreams because Katie might step in and shatter them.

What power I’ve given her, this woman I do not know. What power I’ve stolen from the One Who chose me, Who sent me, Who loves me. Today, it stops. It has to. My heart is too fragile to strive for approval from someone who will never approve but fragile enough to be comforted by the One Who needs me to say, “It’s You, Lord. I’m doing this for You.”

Lord, steel my mind to the echoes of this world and turn my eyes toward You. Amen.

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