World News Have You Filled with Anxiety?

Use this Mornings with Jesus devotion to help you stay focused and faith-filled when the media is filled with so many haunting stories of horrible news.

Use this Mornings with Jesus devotion to help you stay focused and faith-filled when the media is filled with so many haunting stories of horrible news.

“I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save…. Then all mankind will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Isaiah 49:25–26

I reached for the remote and clicked off the television. Enough. I’d heard my fill of horrible news today. The world is so unsafe, it can be haunting.

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I’m facing some of these fears as my husband and I have our home on the market. For months we’ve weighed pros and cons of various neighborhoods. We look at proximity to amenities and work, playmates for our kids, school districts, etc.

At the top of the list is the desire for an area that feels safe. On a recent visit to my parents’ home, I sought their input, and our discussion wound around to the safety issues of children walking to school. More realities from the news flitted through my thoughts.

“The world just isn’t the same as it was back when you were in school,” my dad said. Funny, but I remember them saying the same thing when I was growing up—how the world was not the same as when they were kids.

Times may be a changin’, but in a basic way they haven’t changed all that much. No one has ever been immune to evil’s dangers on earth.

So how do we live above fear? Only by immersing ourselves in Jesus’ promises and relying on Him to be God, our protector and Healer. Second Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (NLT). Repeatedly He urges us not to fear, so we need to let ourselves breathe in His care. Jesus has our house hunt—and our family—in His care, just as He has you and yours. The evils of life can never outgrow Him.

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Faith Step: Write down your biggest fears. Pray through one each day this week, and write Jesus’ name over that fear as a visible reminder that He is Master and Victor over all.

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