A Message from Jesus in a Song

Jesus comforted her in a miraculous way when she needed it most. 


Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 (ESV)

One of the women in my Bible study showed up to our small group with red-rimmed, watery eyes. She quietly told me that she’d been sobbing in her car because of her impending divorce. We scheduled a hike so we could talk more, and then she took a few minutes to pull herself together before joining the group.

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A few days later, as we walked, she described how scary it was for her to think about a future alone. She’d recently moved into her own apartment. Initially she was excited about living alone for the first time in her life, but moving caused a tumultuous emotional reaction. I tried to offer her words of encouragement to assure her that Jesus is always with her and that she’s never alone. But my words felt trite and hollow.

Then she told me an incredible story of how Jesus had intimately communicated with her through a country song on the radio as she was driving to buy furniture for her new apartment. The words of the song were about buying furniture to make a home. Through this song, she felt Jesus uniquely speak to her in a moment of sadness, assuring her He is with her and helping her make a new home. Jesus comforted her much better than I could have.

Faith Step: Do you have a special song in which you sense Jesus speaking uniquely to you? Play it on repeat today, letting it encourage your soul as you remember He is with you.

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Walking in Grace 2023 Devotional

We wanted to let you know that we have changed the name of Daily Guideposts to Walking in Grace —(Don’t worry — we promise it is the ONLY change we’ve made!)

Walking in Grace 2023 is the perfect way to start or end each day, focusing on God’s love, and connecting you to a community of writers and readers. Each daily devotion will bless you with a short Scripture verse that draws you into His word, a true moving story about the joys and challenges of living a life of faith, hope, and optimism, a short personal prayer that helps you put the day’s message to work in your own life, and a unique “Digging Deeper” Scripture for further reflection.

In just a few minutes a day, Walking in Grace 2023 will help you find the spiritual richness you long for in your life.

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