Jesus Opens Doors for You

He will surprise you with new dreams that are beyond your imaginings.

A man standing in front of an open door; Getty Images

The seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams. Mark 4:20 (MSG)

After I spoke at a neighboring church when they were between pastors, I got an email from their worship leader. He wrote, “We’d like to have you preach for us on a regular basis until we find a pastor. How often can you come back?”

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Although I felt honored that they liked my message, I was also a bit confused. The Lord had expanded my writing ministry to include speaking—mostly for women’s groups—but I’d never aspired to preach. Yet the more I prayed about it, the stronger the dream grew in my heart.

Yikes, I thought. This is huge. Are You behind this, Lord, or is my ego talking? In my five decades as a Christian, I often believed Jesus was speaking to me. Many times, it turned out that His voice was the one I’d heard. Other times, when an idea backfired, I realized my human desires had taken over.

I didn’t want to start something that wasn’t Jesus’s plan for me. I also didn’t want to offend my husband, Kevin, a pastor for over forty years. Would he resent me for suddenly preaching at different churches, missing worship at our home church?

When I approached Kev, he gave me his blessing. Maybe he figured if I preached to others, I’d cut back on preaching to him!

Over the last year, Jesus has opened doors for me to preach at several different churches. I like to think it delights Him to surprise His followers with new dreams that are beyond our imaginings. He’s sweet like that.

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