You Can Count on Jesus’ Love

When life is unpredictable and frustrating, focus on Jesus.

A woman journaling beside a window; Getty Images

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Psalm 63:3 (NKJV)

My crossword puzzle clue was “a four-letter word for foul mood.” Ha, that was easy: snit! The perfect word to describe my mood yesterday. You’ve heard the old saying, “A face only a mother could love?” Yesterday I was a person only Jesus could love.

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The burned toast started it, along with the boiled egg that wouldn’t peel right. I read a devotion, wrote in my prayer journal, then hopped on my bike to exercise. It was too windy to sustain a good speed and that frustrated me. Back home, I grew crabbier as I wasted forty-five minutes on the phone with our cellphone provider.

Settling in front of my computer screen, I prayed for inspiration for an article whose deadline loomed. My mind had never felt emptier. Then I got a call from someone on my worship committee, telling me she couldn’t be there on Sunday, so I had to find a sub. Brilliance continued to elude me with my article, so I gave up and ran to the cleaners to pick up some shirts my husband, Jeff, needed for a trip. When I got home, I discovered the cleaners hadn’t sent his favorite shirt. Dinner was baked chicken, undercooked, and brown rice, dry. When Jeff suggested we take the grandkids to a see a movie, I wailed, “I don’t deserve to have fun! I haven’t gotten a thing right all day!”

I skulked to the bedroom, sat on the bed, and picked up my prayer journal. “Thank you, Jesus, for always loving me,” I’d written, only that morning. My life might be unpredictable, unproductive, and frustrating, but the one thing I could count on was Jesus’ love for me.

Faith Step: Thank Jesus for His steadfast love, through sunshine and snit.

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