Spirit Lifting: Bringing Our Brokenness to Him at Christmas

This devotion reminds us that peace, joy and hope can be ours if we turn to Jesus—at Christmas and all the year round.

Advent candles burning in a church

“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”—LUKE 2:14 (NLT)

During the Christmas season, I hang a marquee sign across our carport that lights up the word PEACE. This year when I turned it on, it read ACE. I have another sign next to our fireplace that reads JOY, but the J was out, leaving us with only OY. So I decided to buy some new lighting that spelled out HOPE. The letters arrived yesterday. No H. Just OPE.

What a reflection on my life! Searching for complete peace, joy and hope but not quite there yet. This is where Jesus comes in. Into my brokenness. Our brokenness. With the brightness of his love. The One who was born in a stable is used to bringing peace, joy and hope into our messy lives. He does it with angel choirs and brilliant stars. Loving us right where we are.

It is because of Jesus and his presence in our lives that, on this cold December morning, we can have truckloads of OY, a powerful sense of OPE and an all-encompassing blanket of ACE on earth, goodwill toward men.

Faith Step: Go outside, raise your hands in the air and thank Jesus for the peace, joy and hope he has showered on your life.

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