Today's daily devotion

A Little Yeast

“A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”—GALATIANS 5:9 NIV

Caregiving is tough work! Even fun-loving, positive folks can slip into depression as they tend to the needs of a sick friend or family member day after day. Ever been there? Perhaps you once had a happy nature but have allowed depression to take root. What started out as the daily doldrums eventually sent you into a pit of despair.

In some ways, depression is just like yeast. All you need is a tiny bit, and before long you’ve got a huge loaf of bread, figuratively speaking. Be careful not to let it grow!

Caring for someone who’s psychologically or physically ill can be depressing work. You might be tempted to give in during the down times and allow depression to settle in. Don’t do it! Release it! Let it go! Before your down times grow like that loaf of bread, pause a moment and deal with them.

Confess your depression to the Lord. He already knows you’re struggling anyway. Then ask Him to remove the depression—to cast it away from you. And whenever you see it trying to rear its ugly head, don’t allow it. If you give it room, it will surely grow.

Heavenly Father, I’ve struggled with depression, and I feel it growing out of control. I ask You to remove it from me, Lord. May my praises rise up in place of depression.

Adapted from

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