Today's daily devotion


And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.—EZEKIEL 37:3 KJV

The receptionist told Anne and her mother that the doctor was running forty-five minutes late, but Anne did not reschedule. She already had missed work several times to care for Mom. The less she said to her boss about rearranging schedules, the better!

In the waiting room, Anne’s mother dozed; Anne sagged into her seat. Last night after doing chores and helping with homework, Anne had stayed up waiting for her teen’s call after a swim meet. A nap now would be so nice…but no, she had to think about supper. Nothing in the fridge. How can I go to the grocery store with Mom in tow? Her mind was awhirl.

Anne, “sandwiched” between generations, felt tired clear down to her bones.

Ezekiel, an Old Testament prophet, would identify with Anne. Despite Ezekiel’s total dedication, his exiled people, the Israelites, had made little spiritual progress. In fact, God had compared them to a heap of dry bones. When God showed Ezekiel this vision of His defeated people, He asked, “Will these bones live?” “Only You know, Lord,” Ezekiel answered.

God’s response: to resurrect the dead bones and infuse them with new life. Eventually He led the Israelites back to the land He had given them.

God’s power is enough for Ezekiel, the Israelites, Anne, and all His bone-tired people.

Mighty God, only You can resurrect our lifeless souls. Please send Your Holy Spirit to comfort, refresh, and empower us.

Adapted from

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