Today's daily devotion

Great Is His Faithfulness

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.—LAMENTATIONS 3:22–23 NIV

Have you ever felt you were being consumed by rage, hurt, jealousy, pain, loneliness, or grief? Have you ever said, “One more thing, and I’ll fall to pieces. I can’t handle this”?

The good news is we don’t have to handle it. God’s compassion never fails. He is greater than anything that
threatens to consume us. His mercy never runs out. It is new every morning.

When the Israelites were wandering in the desert because of their disbelief in God’s ability to deliver the Promised Land into their hands, God was still faithful. He fed them manna daily, but they had to go out of their tents and gather it. And it was only good for a day.

In the same way God is faithful to us, regardless of what we have done. And like the manna that came every morning, new mercies are available to us every day. We just have to ask for them. We can’t let our pain, shame, and anger keep us from running to God daily for new mercies to sustain us. He will not let us be consumed. He is faithful.

Oh Lord our God, we are such faulty, frail humans. You know that we are but dust. We thank You that we don’t have to do anything but run to You and receive Your mercies that never run out. Help us not to let anything keep us from running to You. Amen.

Adapted from

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