Today's daily devotion

Lean Back and Listen

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.—PROVERBS I:5 [NIV]

I was on a tear, my creativity soaring like the birds I watch all day long. As my husband, Lee, watched me typing away, he said, “I feel completely inadequate. I am so tired. I used to do big things.” He and I had always written together, and composed music together. Now, after nearly three years filled with surgeries, he had a right to be tired.

What could I do? I missed our discussions about accomplishments and new projects. Listen and watch, the Holy Spirit whispered to me. I saw that Lee had picked up one of his little notebooks that he’d filled with gems of observation over the years.

“Let me read you this,” Lee said. “It was the day my mother died 30 years ago. She was 90, going on eight.” And immediately both of us were transported back to that incredible day and his wonderful mother who lives on in his writings. I made myself put away all the tasks involved in caregiving and simply listen. Inspiration for both of us.

Dear God, help me remember that one of the very best things I can do as a caregiver is just to sit and listen.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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