Today's daily devotion

Listening for the Answers

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.—EPHESIANS 3:17 (KJV)

Recently, my friend Sue asked if I might care for her husband, Bryan, while she went to the doctor. Bryan had Alzheimer’s and suffered from short-term memory loss. I welcomed the chance to give back to someone who had been such a help to me over the years. I also welcomed the opportunity to talk to Bryan about spiritual matters.

Bryan, a kind and gentle man, had never been vocal about his faith. I wanted to see if there was anything he desired to discuss with a pastor in the near future. But I needed a window of lucid thinking on his part.

While I sat on the sofa and spoke to Bryan in his recliner, he began talking about Sue’s visit to the doctor. Amazingly, he was aware of everything: the reason for her consultation, even where the office was located.

My moment had arrived. Finally I managed to ask: “Is there anything you’d ever like to talk with a pastor about, Bryan?”

“No,” he answered, seemingly deep in thought. “Can’t say I can think of a thing.”

I was a bit surprised, so I said, “Does anything spiritual ever bring you comfort now that you’re ill?”

A smile lit up Bryan’s face. “Ah, yes,” he answered. “God.” Then he patted his heart. “I feel him right in here. Every

Help us, Father, to ask the difficult questions of those who are in our care.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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