Today's daily devotion

Never Alone

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.—HEBREWS 13:5 [NIV]

“You’re only allowed to be with your husband a few hours,” the nurse said. “We’re restricting visitation because of COVID-19. No one else is permitted.”

I understood. But it was hard. My husband, Ralph, was in the hospital with pneumonia, and coupled with his COPD, it was an acute case. He was drifting in and out of consciousness. As I sat with him in the cold, sterile room, I felt incredibly alone. God felt distant. Friends and family couldn’t be here; they were in quarantine.

Tears filled my eyes. Questions haunted my mind. Would he survive the pneumonia? If so, would I be able to take care of him once he was home? Would we be able to pay the hospital bills?

Just then my cell phone buzzed. It was our associate pastor. “We’re praying for you and your husband daily,” she texted. “And members of the church want to leave meals on your porch once he’s home.”

I felt a weight fall from my shoulders. It was then I knew I wouldn’t be bearing this difficulty alone! God was sending people into our lives to help, just when we needed it most.

In the coming weeks, we received cards, texts, meals, groceries and supplies. We directly experienced the presence of God through the loving actions of our friends and spiritual community.

Though separated from others physically, we were not alone.

Dear God, thank you for people who show us love in times of weariness, sickness and chaos.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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