Today's daily devotion

Staying Strong in Battle

With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.—PSALM 108:13 NIV

It’s strange to think we’re in a “battle” when we provide care for another person. But that is the reality.

We’re under attack from physical and emotional weariness. We find ourselves besieged by feelings of guilt, selfishness, bitterness—not only in us, but in the person we’re caring for. Perhaps we’re combating insurance companies, doctors, or family members who don’t approve of the way we handle things. Then there’s the tug-of-war between throwing up our hands and quitting, and finding the faith to continue. Yes, we’re definitely in a battle.

How can we avoid discouragement? By remembering that we’re not fighting alone. God’s Word tells us that victory is coming because He’s going to bring it. God will fight on our behalf. He will put down the enemies that rage against us.

God changes our enemies—our fear into faith and our sorrow into gladness. Anxieties are replaced with His truth. Selfishness becomes selflessness.

God ministers to our hearts from the perfect love that flows from His heart. Thanks to Jesus Christ, victory is truly ours. 

Dear God, thank You for fighting for me, for putting down my enemies, and for bringing victory to my situation.

Adapted from

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