Today's daily devotion

The Good Shepherd

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.—ISAIAH 40:11 NIV

How we view our own earthly fathers often influences how we view our heavenly Father. If our dad was attentive and present, we have an easier time seeing God as loving and interested in our lives. But if he was angry, distant, or absent, we tend to see God as upset with us and waiting to punish us the moment we mess up, or as too distant to care about us as individuals.

God has many attributes: holy, righteous, just, loving, and merciful to name a few. One way we can get to know God better is to spend time studying each of these characteristics. Today’s verse shows us a loving Shepherd, gently tending His vulnerable lambs, carrying those who can’t walk. The Bible often uses the image of the good shepherd to describe our relationship with God. A good shepherd provides everything the sheep need: food, water, rest, protection, and care.

If you struggle with seeing God as loving you deeply and caring for every detail of your life, meditate on scriptures that show God as the good shepherd and ask Him to reveal this part of Himself to you.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for being the Good Shepherd. Your love for us is far more than we can ever imagine. Let us feel Your presence in our daily lives and catch a glimpse of how much You love us.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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