Today's daily devotion

Where God’s Will Begins

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.—ROMANS 12:2 NIV

We speak often of behavior—do this, don’t do that—but we don’t often talk about the root of our behavior: our

With today’s technology, it is easy to be inundated by the world’s views and values. They’re everywhere, via TV and
movies, and our computers and phones. To live the transformed life, we have to be intentional about what we let into our minds and what we keep out. Is what we’re watching on TV drawing us closer to God or moving us farther away? Is the latest book we’re reading helping us to understand God’s will or showing us the world’s values?

Many people like to characterize God as a killjoy, the One who has the list of Do’s and Don’ts. But at the end of Romans 12:2, you see that God’s will for us is good, pleasing, and perfect. Is that something you can say about the last movie you saw? When we follow God’s will for our lives, it is the path that is the best one for us. God’s instructions are intended to help us and keep us from harm. It starts with our thoughts.

Dear God, please help us to check what we are putting into our minds. So much can seem harmless. Help us to thirst after those things that draw us closer to You. Amen.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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