Today's daily devotion

Wordless Prayers

For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words.—ROMANS 8:26 (BSB)

It had been a rough day. Within weeks, two of my children had been diagnosed with separate chronic illnesses and we were still having difficulty managing both. I found myself experiencing countless sleepless nights, painfully early mornings and constant interruptions throughout the day.

On a particularly rough day, after multiple trips to one of their schools, I arrived at the foot of my bed and fell forward on my face. I was too exhausted to be formal in a prayer, I was much too weary to find words to put together for God to hear, I merely let out a moan because that was all I had left in me. Even though there was a prayer in there somewhere, that was the only sound I could muster up.

What makes this verse in Romans so wonderful, is not only the promise that the Spirit will help us through our weak moments, it shows us we don’t even have to utter an actual word. Even our moans of tiredness, or anguish, will be carried to God in prayers that he hears and answers.

God knows us so well that even wordless prayers, carried by the spirit, will reach his ears and allow him to send us renewed strength from day to day.

Dear God, Thank you for knowing my needs. Thank you for sending your spirit to not only give me strength, but also knowing how to interpret my prayers even when I don’t know how.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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