Norman Vincent Peale: Handle Your Problems Successfully Part 2

Are you faced with a problem you can’t seem to resolve? Watch Dr. Peale as he explain the dynamics of breaking through to an answer. Part 2 of 2 series.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

[MUSIC PLAYING] On Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday, recently I had to take a taxi cab and I flagged one. It was driven by a woman, a middle-aged lady. And as I got into the taxi cab she said to me, are you Jewish? “No,” I said, “ma’am, I’m not Jewish. I’m just a simple Protestant preacher. She said, “What church?” I said, “It’s called Marble Collegiate Church. It’s at Fifth Avenue and 29th Street. She said, “I know you, you’re Norman Vincent Peale.” I said, “Yes, ma’am, that’s me.” Or that is I. What should it be? Well, at any rate–

Whatever it was, I said the right thing, you see. She said, “I’ve just come from a hospital where my sister has had a mastectomy, and I’m so worried about my sister. She says she’s no good anymore. She’s less than a woman. She has been dismembered. She has nothing,” she said, “but contempt for herself. And she’s always been a happy woman. And I’ve been praying all the way down the street. Now,” she said, “you’ve got to give me an answer to what I tell my sister.”

I thought to myself, this is a hard one, so I sent up a prayer. And I said. “Did your sister have a good physician, a good surgeon. “Ah,” she said, “She had one of the very best, and he did a beautiful operation on her. And he told her that he’d gotten all of the disease out and that she was going to be a healthy woman.”

“Well then,” I said, “You go back and you tell your sister to call in another doctor. Because her problem now isn’t diseased tissue it’s diseased thinking. And for her to call in the one who gives the ability to think healthy thoughts. And he will tell her that she is still a wonderful woman. And that life for her will be glorious in the years that are to come.”

She said, “Thank you so much. I knew that I’d get an answer from God. I’ll quit working, and I’ll go right back to the hospital. And I’ll tell my sister to put her problem into the hands of Jesus.” So put your problem into the hands of Jesus, and you’ll find wisdom, and you’ll find insight.

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