An Inspired Yearly Gathering

The Guideposts organization is blessed with an amazing advisory group called the National Cabinet. Their true contributions are their time, their passion and their prayers.

I’m sorry if this blog is brief but I have a good excuse: I’m busy being inspired. I’ll explain.

The Guideposts organization is blessed with an amazing advisory group called the National Cabinet. This body actually originated years ago to assist Dr. Peale and the Peale Center in its activities. When the Peale Center became a part of Guideposts in 1995, the Cabinet came with it, much to Guideposts’ good fortune.

extraordinary women of the bible

There are about 100 people on the Cabinet, a little more than half of whom are attending the national meeting in New York this weekend. These annual get-togethers are an incredible source of inspiration to me. I get to spend time with old friends and hear about the wonderful ways they are helping Guideposts. Many of our outreach programs, such as OurPrayer and Military Outreach, owe their success to the efforts of the Cabinet.

Cabinet members generously contribute to Guideposts but their support is so much more than financial. Their true contributions are their time, their passion and their prayers.

One of the first things I did when I became editor-in-chief of Guideposts was attend the annual Cabinet meeting and address the group. I was unbelievably nervous but their welcoming embrace warms my heart to this day. In fact I have to give a talk tonight, as I do every year, and though I’m not exactly nervous anymore I do still get a few butterflies.

I don’t know if you support our outreach efforts or not (if you do, thanks; if not, we could use your help) but I’d love to know what sort of nonprofit organizations and causes you do support and how. Post below. Meanwhile I have to get back to being inspired.

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A Journey of FaitH

Embark on a moving journey of faith as Edward Grinnan, Guideposts’ Editor-in-Chief, shares his inspiring memoir on navigating his mother’s Alzheimer’s and conquering his own fear. A blessing for those facing trials.

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