The Beauty of Community

Looking to Christ for guidance and love, military families find that He has a plan for us in every location in which we find ourselves.

The U.S. flag for military families around the world.

Today’s guest blogger is Kori Yates.

Living life as a nomad, military women love the adventure of the life we live . . . mostly.

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As exciting as this life can be, the idea of planting roots in a place and building community is appealing at times. But how is that possible when we don’t even live in the same place for more than a few years at a time?

Jesus. That one name changes everything. For military women around the world, Jesus provides the answer we need. We find part of it in Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Kori YatesSinking our roots in our Savior instead of the dirt where we live provides the foundation and hope we long for in our unstable world. Looking to Christ for guidance and love, we find that He has a plan for us in every location in which we find ourselves. Through developing our relationship with Him, we are strengthened in our faith. We start to see Him at work around us, showing up in everyday life.

Our roots go deeper the more time we spend with our Jesus. We plant our roots, but He also calls us to community. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

We build community by meeting together. This meeting can come through social media channels, but true community calls for more. There is something different about looking someone square in the face and asking about their family and their lives. Being an introvert by nature, I forget this very point. Just this past weekend, though, I was reminded of it once again.

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I am part of a new organization for military women called Planting Roots. Building community with Christian military women worldwide through virtual means, we had our very first live event in Kansas on May 2. I have to tell you, I have not been hugged so much in a long time. It was not because I knew everyone, because I didn’t, but we had life-stuff in common.


We were all associated with the military in some form or fashion, but it was so much more. The common denominator was Christ himself. Our roots in Christ were not ours alone, but were intertwined in the roots of others.

There, in the middle of a church in Kansas, military women came together from all over the midwest to be refreshed and renewed in their walk with Christ, but also to encourage and challenge each other to continue to pursue Christ in all the places He takes us.

As much as I would like to stay in my bubble, I need those ladies to push me further. I need that community so I can continue “toward love and good deeds.”

Planting Roots continues to provide that community virtually through their website which provides a blog as well as online Bible studies. They reach out through social media channels to encourage, support, and bring together military women across the globe, but nothing can replace the in-person community of last weekend.

Planting Roots is not done yet. Their second live event will happen at Centreville Baptist Church in Centreville, Virginia on November 7. Are you a woman connected to the military? You should join us! Registration starts August 17 at

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Sinking our roots deep into Christ and building community with others who are doing the same, it is a beautiful thing that God is doing. The adventure of this life never ceases to amaze me. How do you grow your roots in Christ and where do you find community?


Kori Yates loves adventure and her ongoing stint as an Army wife has given her just that. Desiring to bring together Christian military women and impact a globe for Christ, she has helped launch Planting Roots.

Through events live and online, their prayer is for revival among military women. Kori is also an author (Olive Drab Pom-Poms) and speaker, as well as is a homeschooling mom of two amazing kids and wife to one awesome soldier.

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