
Do you see dreams as messages? Quotes about dreams can help you articulate what dreams mean to you. Dream quotes can also help you interpret dreams that might mystify you long after your morning alarm sounds. Give inspiring dream quotes a chance to clarify your dreams, and help you find meaning in them.

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Latest Dream Quotes

I’m always daydreaming. You have to see yourself there first. Then reverse engineer your dream.

Michael B. Jordan, Actor

Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan.

Devon Gibbons

Put your dreams on hold too long and they’ll hang up on you.

Melissa Bucci

With each dream accomplished, bigger ones are put in their place.

Gina Rodriguez, Golden Globe-winning actress

Keep thinking, keep interested, keep praying, keep dreaming.

Norman Vincent Peale

Dreams don't have an expiration date.

David Niven, PhD

Our dreams are like a puppy’s paws–they start out big so they can support us as we grow.

Dixie Gillaspie, author and motivational coach

You're never too old to chase your dream.

Diana Nyad, competitive swimmer
The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.
Sarah Ban Breathnach, author

Visionaries are people who see beyond their abilities.

submitted by Cheryl E. Chavis of Greensboro, North Carolina

The happiest people are fearless dreamers. They use their imaginations to create hope and possibility.

Author Ian K. Smith, M.D.

Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who won't quit.

from the movie "Rudy"
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