
Quotes about family can make us laugh or cry, nod in agreement or shake our heads in understanding. Family quotes bring up memories of the past and hopes for your family’s future. Make inspiring family quotes part of how you think about what your family means to you.

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Latest Family Quotes

My mother’s genius was to put her finger on the gifts she saw in each of us, and make every one of us believe that that gift was uniquely ours.

Barbara Corcoran, Author

Whether it was making my bed or making a movie, my mother and father never hesitated to say how proud they were of me, and that means so very much to a child.

Reese Witherspoon, Actress

My mother never wanted me to focus on my physical self. She always said that beauty is what you do.

Halle Berry, Actress

Mothers are daily miracles we sometimes take for granted.

Elinor Filice, Guideposts reader, Niagara Falls, New York

A mother’s lap is the best place from which to launch a life.

Sarah M. Hupp, Author

The most important person to thank is…my mother. She gave me four golden rules to live by: be a proud black man, take care of your family, make education a priority, and try to do the right thing.

Edward Lewis, Founder of Essence magazine

When I quit The New York Times to be a full-time mother, the voices of the world said I was nuts….But if success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your soul, it is not success at all.

Anna Quindlen, Author

My daughters depend on me for a lot more than food, clothing and shelter. They depend on me as an example of how to go on.

Katie Couric, Broadcaster

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.

Desmond Tutu, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner, former archbishop of the South African Anglican Church and social activist
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