Helping Others

Being of service to others is a gift to the world and to yourself. Quotes about helping others can inspire you to take the first step toward volunteering, donating, or simply going the extra mile for someone in your life. Help quotes can also get you back to on track if you need some motivation. Let a helping others quote remind you of the myriad ways you can make a difference today.

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Latest Helping Others Quotes

Anyone can make a small gesture of kindness to another person that can effect change in the world—it’s that simple.

Laura Dern, Oscar-winning actress

Tweet others as you want to be tweeted.

Calvary Baptist Church, Salem, Oregon

God does not comfort us to make us uncomfortable but to make us comforters.

Clara Lee, Guideposts reader of Greenville, Texas

A joy shared is a joy multiplied, but a pain shared is a pain halved.

Vicky Benedict Farber , Guideposts reader

Each person on this planet is here for a purpose… That purpose is to care for other people and to help this world become a better place through service to others.

Gary Sinise, Actor

To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.

Abraham Lincoln

People who need help sometimes look a lot like people who don’t need help.

Glennon Doyle, Inspirational author

Never stop doing things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

via the Positively Positive Facebook page

You may not be able to take care of a person’s business need, but you can always meet their human need for someone to care.

Barbara Glanz, Motivational speaker

Putting others first with a cheerful heart isn’t easy, but because of that, even the smallest acts can leave an incalculable impact.

Justin McElroy, Host of the advice podcast 'My Brother, My Brother and Me'

Helping those who are vulnerable and in need is not burden or an obligation but an opportunity to be like Christ.

message posted on Facebook by the Church of the Good Shepherd , Scranton, Pensylvania

Healed people can heal people. Freed people can free people. Changed people can play their part in seeing lives and communities changed.

Jo Saxton, Author
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