Helping Others

Being of service to others is a gift to the world and to yourself. Quotes about helping others can inspire you to take the first step toward volunteering, donating, or simply going the extra mile for someone in your life. Help quotes can also get you back to on track if you need some motivation. Let a helping others quote remind you of the myriad ways you can make a difference today.

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Latest Helping Others Quotes

God has given us two hands, one to receive and the other to give with.

Rev. Billy Graham

The best thing you have to give is yourself.

Norman Vincent Peale

They say, ‘To serve is to love,’ and I think to serve is to heal, too.

Viola Davis, Oscar-nominated actress

You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar, author and motivational speaker

The busiest person is the one who always has time to help someone else.

submitted by Laverne Hart, Weatherford, Texas

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Amish proverb

The key to life is not accumulation. It's contribution.

Stephen Covey, Consultant and Author

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

submitted by Brooke Lorimer, Boulder, Colorado

The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.

Kalu Ndukwe Kalu, professor and author

Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner
I never quite understand the way society decides who is beautiful and who is not. But an open face and a capacity for kindness always feel like reliable signifiers to me.
Tilda Swinton, actress

True charity requires courage: Let us overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty so as to help those in need.

Pope Francis
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