
Quotes about prayer can be almost as powerful as the act of praying itself. Inspiring prayer quotes can be the seeds of your future prayers, or reflect the precious gifts that prayer brings to your daily life. Turn to prayer quotes for a quick connection to your faith life.

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Latest Prayer Quotes

I’m a big believer in prayer. One of my favorite passages is Matthew 6:27: ‘Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?’ That has given me a lot of peace.

Rita Wilson, Actress

Prayer is the time God has reserved for us when he can recalibrate our thinking and renew his peace in our mind and soul.

Jim Maxim, Author

Life going against your plan might be the answer to prayer you didn’t even know you needed.

Caitlin Crosby, Author

Prayers are tools not for doing or getting but for being and becoming.

Eugene Peterson, Longtime pastor and author of more than 30 books

Go where your best prayers take you.

Frederick Buechner, Theologian

A powerful shift happens when I pray for someone. I start to see that person in relationship to God instead of in relationship to me. Instead of seeing how he annoys me or how she makes me jealous, I see how God loves them.

Liz Ditty, Author

God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that you already love me just the way I am.

Eleanor Brownn, Motivational speaker and author

Hear that? Someone’s praying for you!

Geneva Nelson, Guideposts reader of Cross Plains, Texas

Prayer is a battle, and every warrior gets tired. Remember though: You are not alone.

Jodie Berndt, in her book, Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children

There is never a wrong time to pray.

Kelly Johnson, Author

I’ve often thought, ‘I’m nobody. Why would God answer my prayer?’ But God’s not impressed by eloquence; he’s impressed by our longing for him.

Stormie Omaritian, author of the Power of a Praying series

More than anything, praying helps me concentrate and let go of things that don’t matter in that moment. It gives me peace knowing I’m in good hands.

Katie Ledecky, five-time Olympic gold medalist swimmer
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