America’s Angels

America’s Angels stories focus on the people and programs of Volunteers of America. Helping people is one of the greatest gifts we can give others, and at Volunteers of America, helping people is their business. It’s an organization that helps everyone from veterans to children, giving with open hands to those in need and transforming lives in the process.

A solider, alone with his thoughts, on a train

Moral Injury: Six Questions Answered

Here’s a look at moral injury, a relatively new term for the emtional and spiritual pain that can afflict soldiers and others who are asked to perform actions that run counter to their moral codes.

Iraq Veteran's Journey of Healing: A childhood photo of Sgt. Powell rests alongside the Bronze Star he earned in Iraq at his home in Crescent, Oklahoma.

An Iraq Veteran’s Journey of Healing

In 2007, the now-Retired U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Marshall Powell served as a medic in Iraq. After his deployment, he returned home with an injury that wasn’t visible to the eye. He had suffered what is now termed “moral injury”: the internal suffering that results from an action that goes against one’s moral code. As he

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