An Urban Farm Brings Hope and Healthy Food to an Underserved Community

At Bonton Farms in urban Dallas, they invest in the soul as well as the soil.

At Bonton Farms in Dallas, they invest in the soul as well as the soil.

Daron Babcock with Bonton volunteers; photo by Eric Guel

1 of 7 Fertile Ground

In 2011, Daron Babcock (center) felt called to quit his job and move to the Bonton neighborhood, a food desert. He planted a small garden that is now one of the country’s largest urban farms, providing jobs, skills training and fresh vegetables for residents.

A Bonton team member; photo by Eric Guel

2 of 7 Sustenance

The farm provides its 60 team members with access to such essential services as health care and transportation.

Jeanette, a Bonton team member; photo by Eric Guel

3 of 7 Self-Sufficiency

The holistic approach extends beyond people. Goats and chickens supply milk and eggs for the farm café, and staffers like Jeanette play a vital role.

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Bonton also provides community for its team members; photo by Eric Guel

4 of 7 Soul Food

Team members gather for fellowship. For Daron, the farm has always been a ministry. A recovering addict, he promised to follow God’s direction wherever it led, never expecting it would mean selling everything to move to Bonton.

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All are welcome at Bonton Farm; photo by Eric Guel

5 of 7 Welcoming Place

Poverty is a daily reality for the neighborhood of 4,000. Diseases caused by poor nutrition are prevalent. The farm serves as an oasis, drawing people from all walks of life, even visitors from around the world. All are welcome.

Doris, a Bonton team member; photo by Eric Guel

6 of 7 Rich Harvest

Team members like Doris pick eggplant, spinach, collard greens, broccoli, tomatoes and more. Bonton residents get a neighborhood discount. The farm’s produce is also used by chefs across Dallas.

Bonton also offers The Market Café, a sit-down restaurant; photo by Eric Guel

7 of 7 Farm to Table

The Market Café is Bonton’s only sit-down restaurant. Adrian and other staff prepare healthy fare using the farm’s produce. With plans to expand operations this year, Daron is humbled by what God can grow from a single seed.

Read Daron Babcock’s inspiring story of recovery and redemption.

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