Someone Cares: Pets for Patriots

Pets for Patriots, a nonprofit organization helps veterans find a feline companion while the cats get a loving home.

Someone Cares: Pets for Patriots

Here at Guideposts, we do a lot of stories about veterans and their service or companion dogs. Every time, I wonder: What about the vets who like cats? My family always had cats. When I joined the Army and lived in the barracks, cats were among the comforts of home I missed most.

Which is why I was pleased to hear about Pets for Patriots. It’s a nonprofit that helps veterans adopt the most overlooked shelter cats and dogs. The founder, Beth Zimmerman, got the idea while spending time with a family friend who served in World War II. She sees the two populations as having complementary needs: Veterans need companionship, and the animals need a loving home.

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Veterans who adopt from a participating shelter get discounts on veterinary care, training and supplies; the shelters get to rescue more animals. Win-win.

I can’t wait until I get to have a furry feline roommate again.

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