The Perfect Gift

Which kind of Christmas shopper are you? Either way, we have an inspiring gift idea for you this holiday season!

Need advice on Christmas shopping?

God made two types of Christmas shoppers: The first kind is organized, methodical and maddeningly efficient.

Presents are often bought and wrapped before the leaves are off the trees. In many cases, they did their Christmas shopping on summer vacation. They seem to take an almost moral delight in their shopping prowess and look askance at those of us who are still just making our lists.

That brings us to the second kind, like me, who call up a store and say, “How late are you open on Christmas Eve?” Or, better yet, “Can you deliver on Christmas Day?” We late shoppers like to think we are simply waiting for the spirit of the season to move us and guide us to the perfect gift.

Last year we published a special, full-size keepsake edition of Guideposts called The Joys of Christmas 2009, containing some of your all-time favorite Guideposts Christmas stories, plus plenty of exciting new stories of holiday hope and inspiration and some gorgeous artwork and scrumptious recipes. Thanks to you, the special edition was a huge hit, so much so that we ran out of copies, which meant that we late shoppers were out of luck. (That should teach us!)

It won’t happen this year. We’re printing plenty of copies of The Joys of Christmas 2010. Again, it will be a big, beautifully illustrated collection of new and classic Christmas stories, Mysterious Ways, What Prayer Can Do, devotionals and poems, along with special sections on the joys of family, food, angels and light.

Remember, it’s a full-size publication. You won’t be able to carry it around in your purse like regular Guideposts, but you will carry it in your heart all year ’round. And so will the loved ones you give it to. The Joys of Christmas 2010 is the perfect gift.

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