The Rewards of Giving

Former Hollywood producer Shelene Bryan’s foundation has helped people all over the world.

Travel with former Hollywood producer Shelene Bryan as she visits some of the people her foundation has helped. Read Shelene’s story!

Shelene Bryan waits by a boat dock during her first trip to Uganda in 2003.

1 of 4 Uganda, 2003

Shelene Bryan waits by a boat dock during her first trip to Uganda in 2003.

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Shelene presents donated bikes to a group of Ugandan pastors.

2 of 4 Generosity in Two-Wheeled Form

Shelene presents bikes to Ugandan pastors through the auspices of the Jungle Ride program she founded that allows donors to buy bikes to help pastors, teachers and caregivers deliver food and medicine to those in need.

Shelene strolls with a group of children in the Dominican Republic.

3 of 4 Small Donations, Big Impact

Shelene strolls with a group of children in the Dominican Republic. Her charitable foundation,, enoucourages donors to skip just one manicure, car wash, latte, movie, pack of gum–any small luxury–and donate the money saved. She believes that many people making small donations can make a huge difference in the world.

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Shelene (right) and the child she sponsored, Omega, at Shelene's home in Los Angeles

4 of 4 Shelene and Omega

Omega, or or child # GBB 8348, was one of the first two children Shelene and her husband sponsored. Shelene went to visit Omega in Uganda in 2003 and in 2013, Omega visited Shelene in Los Angeles.

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