A Message of Hope from Caroline Harris: Beauty of Spring

Guideposts staffer Caroline Harris reminds us that though we’re living in dreary and difficult times, there is still beauty in the world as spring is happening all around us. 4/4/2020

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories


Hi everybody, I’m Caroline Harris, I’m with the digital content team at Guideposts.

It’s kind of an appropriate day out today, it’s all dreary and overcast, it’s even raining on me right now. It’s kind of the mood that I think everybody’s in these days, all dreary and upset and lonely and needing social interaction more and more as we go into the longer days of being quarantined.

But the part that’s more inspiring is what’s going on behind me, and the beautiful forsythia that is rising through, and reminding us that springtime is here.

Dr. Peale said that in every difficult situation, there is a specific value. It’s our duty to look for that value, and I think I’ve found it here in my backyard. Try and find your value, try and find a smile, and remember, together, we will get through this, and together, we will rise above. Be safe, and be well.

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