Appreciating God’s Incredible Creation

Blessings of daily life.

Spider's web

This morning I opened the blinds to let in the sunshine and noticed something new outside one of our windows. Overnight, a large spider had woven a web that stretched across the window. The intricate design captured my attention and brought home a reminder that I don’t have to look far to see the creative genius of an incredible God.

Nothing shows that more beautifully than the perfection of an infant. Whenever I’ve held one of my brand-new grandbabies, I’ve been struck by the thought that this long-awaited little one came fresh from God’s hands to ours. I’ve sat and counted 10 tiny toes and fingers. I’ve stroked my hand across baby-soft skin and downy hair.  I’m in awe of a God who could design all of that, who knit that child together while he or she was still in the womb.

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I see His craftsmanship in the bright colors of flowers, every blossom different and unique. I enjoy His love of texture in the rough bark of trees, and in the soft fur of a kitten or dog. And I soak in the sheer beauty of an orange sky as the sun sets over the ocean, casting shadows on the surface of the water. Nobody paints the sky better than God. 

I’m reminded of His faithfulness every night when I see that He’s—once again—hung the moon and the stars in the sky. I see His majesty in the mountains that rise high above me, and His attention to detail in the velvety blades of grass that tickle my feet when I walk barefoot through the yard. What an amazing God—and how even more amazing that He cares about me…and you.

That makes me think of those verses in Psalm 8:3-4:

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?

I’m so grateful for a God who—in the midst of creating all this perfection—still has us on His mind. That, sweet friends, is what’s truly incredible.

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