The Power of Hope: The First Key to Transformational Change

Change comes in many ways and in many forms. But no matter what form the change takes, it starts with fearless self-honesty.

Is there something about your life you want to change? A situation that could be different or better? A dream you yearn to grasp? We all face change. It is an ineluctable force of nature. And it has been my experience, as I discuss in my new book, The Promise of Hope: How True Stories of Hope and Inspiration Changed My Life and How They Can Transform Yours, that those of us who handle change best find that we not only grow spiritually but grow happier and more fulfilled. And we were meant to be happy.

If we don’t find change in our lives, change will find us. Change is one of the most valuable tools for personal growth…maybe THE most powerful. In my years of talking to people about their stories of change and growth for Guideposts, I have identified nine powerful change factors which people who face or undertake change successfully have adopted: Honesty, Willingness, Imagination, Commitment, Faith, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Resilience and Love. They don’t necessarily come in this order, but honesty is always first.

For me particulalry, honesty was the starting point. Honesty literally saved my life. I would not be here today if I hadn’t been forced to face myself with utter personal and spiritual candor. We can’t undertake change unless we are completely honest with ourselves about why we want to or should change. There is no one easier to lie to than yourself, and we all do it to some extent. But for change to happen, be it large or small, we have to level with ourselves.

Change comes in many ways and in many forms. Change can be physical…weight loss, for instance, or simply realizing we must take better care of our bodies. Change can be attitudinal…to overcome self-defeating negative thinking, to forgive people who’ve harmed us or to commit ourselves not to fear unfamiliar situations or challenges. Most importantly, change can be spiritual…a commitment to prayer and meditation, to reaching out to others and to trust God with our lives. But no matter what form the change takes, it starts with fearless self-honesty. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what and why you have to change.

I believe that in its essence, all change is spiritual and the rewards are great. We were put on this earth to be happy, and we grow happier as we grow closer to God. Change is the path we take.

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