Advice to a Younger You

Mysterious Ways editor Diana Aydin, at the age of 32, has some words of wisdom for her younger self: Everything will turn out ok. God always has your back.

As time goes by, consider this advice to a younger you.

I turned 32 a month ago and, let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. There’s still so much I want to do! And these days, it’s kind of hard not to compare your life’s accomplishments to what you see on Facebook or on those “35 Creative Geniuses Under 35” lists. (Why can’t there be lists for “35 Genius Amateur Sandwich Makers Under 35?” I’d certainly make it on there!)

A few weeks after my birthday, though, I came across this video from CBC Radio titled “How to Age Gracefully.” In it, the young and old–from ages 7 to 93–dish out advice to those younger than them. Everything from “It’s never too late to try something new” to “Stay weird” to “Don’t let your Mom throw away your LEGOs.”

That got me thinking. What advice would I give to a younger me? You know, wide-eyed, 20-something Diana. It came to me immediately: “Stop spazzing out! Chill out for a minute!”

After all, the things I was so worried about in my 20s eventually turned out okay. Maybe not always how I expected. But God always had my back.  

So that’s the advice I’m going to give myself now at 32: Stop spazzing! Don’t be in such a rush. God’s got some marvelous plans, miracles and wonders waiting to unfold. Not in my time, but in His.

Now I have a question for you. What advice would you give to a younger you? Share your advice below!

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