Earth Angels Lending a Hand for New Experiences

Earth angels helped me find my New Year’s resolution to have new experiences.

New Year’s resolution, new experiences, Colleen Hughes, Guideposts

Today’s guest-blogger is Angels on Earth editorial assistant Kelly P. Gallagher.

Last weekend, an old friend called out of the blue and asked my husband and me to come ice-skating with him at a nearby civic center. I wasn’t too enthused. Ice-skating? Was he serious? It had been literally two decades since I’d last ventured out onto the ice. Not only did skating sound difficult—it sounded scary. I didn’t want to get hurt. And falling would be so embarrassing. I was sure that everyone else would buzz past me while I clung to the edge of the skating rink.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

“Just try it,” my husband said. “We’ll help you out.”

We arrived at the civic center and I wobbled out onto the ice. My husband took my hand. Our friend skated behind us and told me I was doing great. Thanks to my earth angels, I soon felt confident enough to skate on my own. Gradually I gained speed. I even learned to make turns. When the others were ready to leave, I wanted to keep on skating!

Sure, I fell a few times. Sure, other people were better at it than I was. But I had tried something new. I’d had fun. And so I found my 2013 New Year’s resolution—to embrace new experiences. After all, there is no use in being afraid. Not when there are earth angels all around, ready to lend a hand.

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