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Route 66: A Historic Road Trip

Come with us as we travel along historic Route 66, taking in some of the vintage roadside attractions along the way.

Twenty miles to go to reach Marcy, New York. I was right on schedule to deliver the load I was carrying for Walmart. Once I dropped it off I had another load lined up for the return drive to South Carolina. I checked my rearview mirror and speedometer. This will really help pay the bills, I thought. Bills were just about all I had on my mind these days.

My troubles really started with Hurricane Florence in September 2018. When the governor ordered a mandatory evacuation of all coastal areas, I planned to drive out of town with my mother and sister. But the company I worked for insisted I take my assigned tractor trailer to safety.

“We’ll follow you in the car,” my sister, Samantha, assured me. But it made the whole trip more stressful, not wanting to lose them in the traffic heading out of town. As we got on the highway, I said a special prayer to Mother Mary: “Please send angels to protect us and watch over our house while we’re gone.”

I hoped to be back home and at work in a few days. But Hurricane Florence decided to stay for a while. We were stuck in a hotel for a week, with bills piling up. The three of us shared a mobile home, which was very vulnerable to hurricanes. Finally the governor gave the okay to go home. “We’ll probably be without electricity and water for a while when we get back,” Samantha said.

“I just hope it’s not worse than that,” I said as we packed up to leave. There was a chance our mobile home had not withstood the hurricane-force winds. I’d missed a week of work, had hotel bills to pay and wouldn’t have much money for house repairs. I loaded our stuff. What if we found we’d lost everything else? “Mother Mary,” I prayed once again, “please send angels to watch over our home.”

The whole drive home I dreaded what could be waiting. But when we pulled into the lot, our home was safe and sound. Even the electricity worked. I tried the faucet. Water! Thank you, God, I thought. “Angels were truly watching over us,” my mother said.

I had no time to appreciate the angels’ protection before the manager of my fleet called me back onto the road. I hung up the phone. “I wish I could be home for a while—help you all settle back in,” I told Samantha.

“Mom and I understand,” she said. “You don’t want to lose your job.”

As far as the company is concerned, the job is all that matters, I thought as I climbed behind the wheel. I worked nonstop for the next few weeks. Whenever I wasn’t driving I was worrying. I’d never felt so much pressure! Maybe the job really was all that mattered. What else did I have to rely on?

One Friday at the end of the month I was booked for a load from Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia. I drove my trailer to the distribution center and checked over the paperwork. “You’re all set,” the security guard said. “Have a good trip.”

Five hundred miles went by without incident. No traffic jams or much roadwork. Up ahead I saw the turnoff for Marcy. One delivery almost done, it occurred to me. I was already thinking about the next. I’d pick it up in New York and take it back to South Carolina. I drove my delivery into the distribution center and handed the receiving security guard at the warehouse the paperwork. He looked it over. I’ll be back home on Monday, I thought. Deliver my second load. Pay some billsâ€Ĥ

“Frank,” the guard said. “This isn’t the right trailer.”

“What? Of course it is. How could it not be?”

I checked the paperwork again. The trailer number didn’t match the one on my load. The security guard opened the door and showed me what I’d just driven nearly 550 miles: Nothing! The trailer was empty!

I was almost dizzy with shock as I initialed the paperwork. Never in my decades as a truck driver had I ever picked up the wrong trailer. I couldn’t imagine the trouble I’d be in for doing it now. I’d wasted time and fuel driving an empty trailer, and the load Walmart needed transported was sitting back in Virginia.

“I looked at the paperwork before I left,” I told my mother over the phone. “The security guard in Virginia did too. We both missed it. I’m so embarrassed.”

“It’s all the stress you’ve been under,” she said. “It’s no wonder you made a mistake.” Mistakes were for other people. I couldn’t afford them.

I called up a friend who was also a truck driver. “What do you think they’ll do?” I said. “I won’t get paid for the job. They’ll put me on probation for sure, maybe even suspension.”

“Look, it’s Saturday. Your fleet manager won’t be back until Monday,” my friend said. “That’ll give you some time to prepare how to tell her the bad news. Drive the load you’ve got back to Virginia. It’ll work out.”

I wanted to believe him, but this seemed like too big a disaster. My boss would see my initials on the paperwork. This mistake was on my head. I would be lucky if I didn’t lose my job. The next two days on the road were the longest of my life. The closer Monday morning came, the worse I felt.

Sunday night I pulled into a truck stop in Ashland, Virginia, and crawled into my sleeping compartment, fearful of the call I would have to make the next morning. As far as the company was concerned, the job was all that mattered.

Early Monday morning I opened the curtain to check the weather. Sunlight flooded my sleeping compartment. Sunlight and something more—a bright, vibrant rainbow. It stretched from the front of my truck to the back. It wasn’t coming through the windshield. It just seemed to start in the middle of the front seat and stretch into the sleeping compartment. I walked back and forth from one end to the other trying to figure out where it was coming from. When I stood up the rainbow was reflected on my face.

For the first time in days, I smiled. A rainbow wasn’t going to help with my boss, but somehow the sight of it made me feel better. It reminded me that there was more to the world than money and stress. I kept my eye on it when I took out my phone to make the call I’d dreaded. The rainbow somehow gave me courage. My call was rerouted to a supervisor. “Hi,” I began. “I have some bad news about the load I delivered to Marcy.”

“The empty trailer?” she said. “I know all about it. Walmart gave us a report.”

“Oh,” I said. At least I didn’t have to tell her myself. “Look, I don’t know how I could have made such a mistake,” I said.

“Everybody makes mistakes, Frank,” she said.

I almost thought I misheard her. Everyone makes mistakes? Expensive mistakes like this one? She didn’t even sound angry!

“Believe me, I understand,” she went on. “You know, another driver had a load to drive to Houston. He wound up driving it to Miami! Yeah, mistakes happen to everybody. He didn’t even realize it until he got there and they rejected it.”

She laughed at the story and I laughed too—with relief. Just having her talk to me like a human being who mattered more than the loss of revenue was like a second rainbow in my truck.

The supervisor didn’t suspend me. She didn’t put me on probation. In fact, she said she would pay me for the job anyway.

The mysterious rainbow stayed in my truck until early afternoon. I never did figure out where it came from. But I suspected it had something to do with those angels watching over me, even in the most stressful times. Reminding me how much I mattered to God, and that I always had him to rely on.

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Guideposts: Soulsby's Service Station and its vintage gas pumps still attract Route 66 travelers

1 of 11 Soulsby's Service Station—Mt. Olive, Illinois

Former miner Henry Soulsby opened his service station along what was to become Route 66 in 1926; his son, Russell, and daughter Ola chipped in and eventually took over the operation of the station. From the late 1950s forward, I-55 diverted much of the traffic away from 66, so Russell picked up the slack by also operating a TV and radio repair service out of the building. When new EPA regulations rendered the station’s underground gas tank unfit for use in 1991, the flow of gasoline finally came to a halt, and in 1993, Russell retired his repair business, too, finally selling the station in 1998 to current owner Mike Dragovich, who has plans to turn the dormant operation into a museum. Soulsby’s affords motorists a small trip back in time, serving as an appealing photo opportunity.

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Guideposts: Colored lights illuminate the rock formations of Meramec Caverns in Stanton, Missouri

2 of 11 Meramec Caverns—Stanton, Missouri

There are many caves and caverns that serve as tourist attractions across the U.S, but Meramec Caverns has the added benfit of prime location: It’s right off historic Route 66 near Stanton, Missouri, and the folks who operate this attraction have long relied on painted barns for advertising, a old-school plus in my book.

The caverns were developed commercially in the 1930s by a man named Lester Dill. After serving as a paid guide at nearby Fisher’s Cave, Dill began to search for a cave of his own to develop. He finally decided to lease Salt Petre Cave, a few miles away. Dill felt that the cave’s proximity to Route 66 would make it a success and he was right. In the early days, patrons drove their cars right into the cave and many of the early visitors found that if they left their windows open while they toured the caverns and rolled them up before they departed, they could travel, in those pre-air conditioning days, in cool cave-air comfort for a few miles!

Some say that the folks at Meramec Caverns created the bumper sticker. In the early days, they tied a little promotional Meramec Caves sign to each visitors bumper and, eventually, those signs were backed with adhesive.

Guideposts: The World's Largest Concrete Totem Pole near Foyil, Oklahoma

3 of 11 World's Largest Concrete Totem—Foyil, Oklahoma

If you’re motoring along Route 66 near Foyil, Oklahoma, take State Highway 28A south for three and a half miles and you’ll encounter an engaging little roadside attraction called Totem Pole Park. Created by folk artist Ed Galloway from 1940 through 1963, the totem pole that gives the park its name stands 90 feet tall and is surrounded by smaller poles, picnic tables and a museum and visitor’s center, all created by Galloway and covered with a vast array of symbols and icons, ranging from an Indian chief to a lobster.

All the park’s art objects are made of stone or concrete, reinforced with steel rebar and wood, and though the park had for a time fallen into disrepair, it’s now maintained by the Rogers County Historical Society.

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Guideposts: The historic Round Barn in Arcadia, Oklahoma

4 of 11 The Round Barn—Arcadia, Oklahoma

This unique barn, constructed by local farmer William Harrison Odor in 1898, has, since the beginning, been one of the Mother Road’s most popular attractions—it’s said that more photographs have been taken of the barn than any other attraction along Route 66—but with the rise of the interstate highways, traffic along Route 66 fell off and the barn was allowed to fall into disrepair. When the 1980s saw a renewal of interest in America’s Main Street, however, local volunteers restored the barn and it’s been a popular stop ever since—so popular that the owners of Pops, a popular retro-styled eatery that debuted in 2007 and boasts more than 600 varieties of soda, opted to locate their shop just a stone’s throw down the road from the barn.

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Guideposts: Visitors stroll among the engaging and informative exhibitions at the Route 66 Museum in Clinton, OK

5 of 11 Oklahoma Route 66 Museum—Clinton, Oklahoma

At the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton, Oklahoma, you can experience the history of the Mother Road, from the Dust Bowl days to the Big Band era and the rockin’ and rollin’ 1950s, via an audio tour that guides you through the museum’s exhibits, photographs and videos. You can also pick up Route 66 souvenirs at the museum’s gift shop.

Guideposts: A restored Phillips 66 filling station in McLean, Texas

6 of 11 Phillips 66 Station—McLean, Texas

In the small town of McLean, along Route 66 in the Texas panhandle, is located the first Phillips 66 service station in the Lone Star State. The station, which opened for business in 1930, has been closed for many years, and for a long time, the little cottage that housed the station sat unused and deteriorating. The Route 66 Association of Texas decided to refurbish it, however, giving it a fresh coat of paint, and donating some equipment of the era, along with an old delivery truck (also freshly painted) and an drive-up rack as was once used for oil changes and such. 

Today, the little station looks much as it did the day it opened, with two pumps out front that look ready to dispense fuel and a classic Phillips 66 Petroleum sign roadside. It’s a quite a nice added touch to this 66 town and well worth a look.

Guideposts: Cadillac Ranch at sunset, near Amarillo, Texas

7 of 11 Cadillac Ranch—Amarillo, Texas

Just west of Amarillo, Texas, is the famous Cadillac Ranch, a large work of art in the middle of a cow pasture. The work, which comprises 10 Cadillacs imbedded at an angle in the ground, was begun in 1974 by Ant Farm, a group of artists headed by a millionaire by the name of Stanley Marsh 3. 

I say “begun” because this is a work of art that that is never completed. Visitors are encouraged to flex their own artistic muscles by spray-painting the cars (you have to bring your own paint), and periodically, the automobiles are repainted a solid color, creating a fresh palette for traveling artists to leave their marks on.

Guideposts: Tee-Pee Curios in Tucumcari, New Mexico

8 of 11 Tee-Pee Curios—Tucumcari, New Mexico

Another Route 66 must-see is Tee-Pee Curios in Tucumcari, New Mexico, a venerable trading post that opened in the late 1930s as a gas station and grocery store and has operated as a curio shop since the mid-1950s. This inviting little shop proudly offers the jewelry and artwork of local artisans, right alongside the rubber tomahawks and made-in-Taiwan Indian warbonnets traditionally found in such establishments.

The front section of the building is shaped like a teepee, and there’s a great old neon sign, too. I’ve included very few commercial establishments among my recommendations, but who could pass up a classic souvenir shop like this one?

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Guideposts: A vintage car parked outside one of the wigwam rooms at the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona

9 of 11 Wigwam Motel—Holbrook, Arizona

Holbrook, Arizona’s Wigwam Motel (also known as Wigwam Village) is a semicircle of 15 concrete teepees that first opened to the public in 1950. The original Wigwam Village was constructed in 1937 in Cave City, Kentucky, by architect Frank Redford (though the rooms are actually shaped like teepees, Redford disliked that word, opting for “wigwam” instead). Chester E. Lewis, traveling through the area, liked the design of the motel and made an arrangement with Redford to open his own motel in Arizona (there were at one time seven Wigwam Motels scattered across the country; only three remain, in Cave City, Holbrook and San Bernadino, California).

Each teepee is 21 feet wide at the base and 28 feet high and has a private bathroom, a television, and an air conditioner.

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Guideposts: The Snow Cap Drive-in in Seligman, Arizona

10 of 11 Snow Cap Drive-in—Seligman, Arizona

There are so many classic drive-in eateries across the country that I could give them their own gallery, but I limited myself to just one: The Snow Cap Drive-in on Route 66 in Seligman, Arizona. Juan Delgadillo opened the drive-in in 1953, and he brought to the operation a unique sense of flair and an unmatched sense of humor. The menu featured Hamburgers without HamCheeseburgers with Cheese and Dead Chicken. Ask for a napkin, and Juan would thrust a fistful of wadded-up tissues your way (though, eventually, you’d receive a clean one). Outside the restaurant is a white ’36 Chevy, decorated with plastic flowers and a Christmas tree.

Juan passed away in 2004, but his drive-in is still going strong, run by his daughter Cecilia and son John, who strive to ensure that the fun-loving spirit their father brought to the Snow Cap lives on.

Guideposts: The now familiar entry arch to the Santa Monica pier, frequently seen in movies and television programs

11 of 11 The Santa Monica Pier—Santa Monica, California

The unofficial western terminus of Route 66 is the Santa Monica pier, made up of two adjoining tiers, one built in 1909, the other in 1916. The pier has long featured amusement park rides, including a state-of-the-art, solar-panel-powered Ferris wheel and a 1920s carousel, as well as shops, entertainers, a video arcade, a trapeze school and restaurants. The far end of the pier is also a popular fishing spot.


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